جمعه، مرداد ۰۶، ۱۳۸۵

The Present

The secret of happy, successful living is to do what needs to be done now, and not worry about the past or the future. We cannot reshape the past, nor can we anticipate everything in the future. There is but one moment of time over which we have some concious control and that is the present.

Sri Dhammananda

۴ نظر:

Roya گفت...

The present is, as a time that is neither past nor future

ناشناس گفت...

salam ...nemidoonam alan ham on mishid ya na vali man ham barye daneshgahe shoma esm neveshtam ...fekr mikonam pazirofte sham ..doost daram etelaati az kasi ke oonja bood ebe dast biaram ...u mitoonid komakam konid ?lotfan ba " just4uhamed@yahoo.com tams begirid

ناشناس گفت...

i am gratuated in industrial engineerin form khaje nasir university last year, i want to know that i have any chance to gaive schlorship,thank u for your kind of faver.

قاصدک وحشی گفت...

Hi dear friend,

Anyone who can meet the requirements has a chance to achieve the scholarship. You can check the requirements on the website of the university you are interested to apply for.

Good luck for you.